How to Save Money on Groceries Without Using Coupons
Groceries are needed for living. Find out the best tips to save money on groceries without using a single coupon!

Saving Money on Groceries Without Coupons
Do you want to save money without using coupons? While I LOVE coupons and use them all the time, I have had many people tell me that they don’t have time for them or they really just need to learn the strategy of shopping at grocery stores. I think it is very possible to get a lot out of you shopping trips when you shop smart. So I wanted to share with you some tips I have so you can shop effectively without coupons. This will be a series through the coming weeks and go up each Thursday.
I have had friends do some of these and they have been able to cut their grocery budget on average by 50%! These steps can drastically bring down your budget and I would even go as far as to say that you could save up to 70% just by going these simple things.

Here are the topic we will be covering over the next 15 weeks are:
- Menu Planning
- Know Your Price Points and How to Find them
- Shop The Sales
- Reading Your ad Flier and Shopping effectively
- Shop The Clearance sections
- Price Matching
- Stock Pile
- Cooking From Scratch
- Know Your Grocery Store
- Schedule Your Eat Outs
- 1 a month no shopping week
- No Meat Nights
- Shopping With In Season Produce
- Shop at local markets
- Using Coops for produce
I love your website… especially this page… flows along with my Top 10 Ways to save also. I thought maybe you’d like to see a Free Grocery List Spreadsheet I put out that helps you keep track of all your price points, sale prices and those once in a blue moon sale prices. You can get that here at the bottom:
Congrats on your new journey in homeschooling also. I also homeschool, and while I loose my patience a lot my kids still prefer me so I must not be doing to bad a job… just pray, pray, pray!