How to Use Ralphs Fuel Rewards Program By Shopping Ralphs Low Prices

Ralphs can be a great place to shop with their Ralphs low prices and their Ralphs fuel rewards program!  They can create the perfect combo of savings.  But it important to know what to look for and how to shop at Ralphs so you can make the most of your hard-earned money.

woman picking up tomatoes in a grocery store

I had the chance to go to Long Beach and learn about the new “Ralphs low prices”.  I wanted to share with you the info they gave us and then I would LOVE your opinions on new ralphs reward program and If you feel like you will shop there in the future.

The Ralphs fuel rewards can only be redeemed at a shell gas station using your Ralphs rewards card.  It is a simple as swiping and pumping, but I will give you more info below!

Ralphs New Low Prices and Ralphs Fuel Rewards Program

What changes will be happening?

Oranges with the Ralphs new Low Prices and Ralphs fuel rewards program signs

  • There will be lower prices through the store.  There is only one way to check on this and that is to wait and see.  This week there are a couple good deals on produce, but it all depends on what your price point is on those items.
  • The Ralphs rewards program will be changing.  You will no longer get the rewards checks in the mail.  Those are being discontinued to fund the lower prices.
  • They are also going to no longer have double coupons.  The person who talked with us said that they didn’t see many people taking advantage of it.  I think the reason for that is that they never advertised it.  But regardless, I survived with no doubles before and I will do it again.
  • They are also changing the fuel rewards just a bit.  your points now go to Fuel Rewards.

Ralphs New Low Prices

You will know if a price has been dropped on an item by seeing this tag on the item.

What are the Ralphs rewards program changes?

  • There are no more rewards in the store.  The only rewards are the new Ralphs fuel rewards program. The last rewards check will be mailed out on, or close to, May 1.  any points you received before April 1 will be in this rewards check.
  • The fuel points start to accumulate on April 1.  All points after that date will go towards your fuel rewards.
  • Rewards dollars will all expire July 31st so if you get a check be sure to use it before then.

How does the Ralphs Fuel Points Program work?

The Ralphs fuel rewards program is simple.  It is pretty simple to get your rewards and to redeem them through the Shell fuel rewards program.

  • Every $1 you purchase is 1 point.
  • For every 100 points, you get $.10 off per gallon at a Shell gas station.
  • You can get up to 35 gallons per transaction at the pump.
  • Gift card purchases get you 2x the points.  This is a good way to get more points if you will be shopping at places anyways.
  • Check your ralphs fuel rewards balance can be found at the bottom of the receipt so you can track your discount.
  • You can also log into your Ralphs account on You can see how many Ralphs fuel rewards points you’ve accumulated, how many you’ve redeemed, how you earned them when they expire and more.
  • When you get the Shell gas station, just swipe your Ralphs card to get your fuel discount redeemed.
  • If you have any problems, call the help desk at 866-597-9967

The Ralphs low prices are a great way to stretch your buck!  Then double up the savings with the discount at the pump with the Ralphs Fuel rewards program and you will be getting some amazing deals! You can also check out these other fuel saving tips!

Be sure to check out the weekly Ralphs Deals before you head to the store

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  1. Just another well calculated move by Ralphs to stick it to the customer. We just visited the one in Downey and did not see many deals, actually the prices are higher now. Ralphs also knows that not many people will redeem their points going to a shell station to gas up. They are on average about .20 cents higher than everybody else. and how many of those are in your neighborhood? not where i live. unless you live in a affluent area then you may take advantage of this program because that is where shell’s are located. I guess they don’t care losing their loyal customers to other stores like Walmart, Target, fresh and easy, etc.. Good Bye Ralphs.

  2. Rockie Howard says:

    Not all Shell stations honor these Ralphs points. And when they do, the Ralphs rewards card mysteriously doesn’t work. Aside from being one of the gas stations with the highest prices, the points awards are useless. Why go there when you can buy gas elsewhere at less price per gallon than at Shell with Ralphs points? Let’s face it, Ralphs/Kroger incentives have officially ended. I too will stop shopping there. Costco has better pricing both in food and in GAS and Costco now has a car wash in our area priced at $7.99 per car; brilliant! No need for Ralphs.
    Take note a Ralphs as you fall behind!