Organic Gardening Tips

Being healthy and sticking to a budget is possible when you garden! Our family tries to grow the majority of our produce that we eat each year. This is a huge money saver for our family. I pick gallons of fruits and vegetables and then preserve them for my family.
There are many different ways to garden, so really people anywhere can garden. Even when I had no yard, I still grew fresh vegetables and herbs year round for my family on shelves in a bay window.
If you have little space and sun, I suggest container gardening. You can plant in containers anywhere, even inside and grow fresh food for your family. Even if it is something as simple as lettuce, you can still save your family quite a bit of money by growing your own.
For those of you with little time to garden, raised bed gardening requires very little effort. You can easily spend 10 minutes a day on a raised bed garden, and still pick produce each day. Raised bed gardens are simply raised beds that you place dirt into. Since the gardens are raised, they are less likely to have weeds, so there is very little effort, but a huge reward with raised gardens. If you would like to learn how to make raised bed gardens, you can check out my video tutorial on my website.
If you live in a subdivision with homeowners associations, I suggest landscape gardening. Landscape gardening is a lot of fun! You can just plant beautiful herbs, fruits and vegetables as a part of your landscape. My favorite flower is actually a purple sage flower. Carrots have beautiful dark green feathery tops. Instead of planting green bushes, consider planting blueberry bushes. There are many ways that you can incorporate gardening into your landscape.
If you have a good bit of space and enjoy being outside, you can always plant a traditional garden in the ground. These gardens require more time and effort, but they can be very productive.
Our family uses a variety of all four of these types of gardens. Through them I am able to serve my family fresh fruit and vegetables for the majority of the year. I strongly encourage everyone to give gardening a try. I used to have a black thumb, so if I can feed my family from my garden, I know that many of you can as well!
Go here for more organic gardening tips.
Rene blogs at Budget Saving Mom about saving money, organic gardening tips, homeschool tips, budget recipes freebies and more. You can subscribe to her free daily newspaper here.