About Living A Frugal Life

Heeeyyyyyyy!!!! Welcome to Living A Frugal Life! So glad you have joined us! This is a site is centered around our crazy antics of trying to live frugally and save money. We sometimes have competitions to see who can jam their family in the smallest house possible. (Just kidding, but if we did, we would win. 😉 )
Our life has been a crazy roller coaster of trying to make ends meet and living through the horrible times of law school with a family. We have also had amazing times like traveling with our family and getting a new chance at life each day as we strive to become better people. It is these roller coasters where I am learning great lessons in life like how to decorate when you can’t remodel or paint. How to make a garden when you only have a small shaded porch. How to have high fashion on a thrift store budget and how to makeover thrift store furniture. And how to serve your family when you don’t want to serve at all.
This site is not one where you are only going to see the good. Sometimes I write about the bumps in the road, but I have learned that it is those horrible times that give us a chance to appreciate the good times and see the sunshine through the clouds. I think we have to be fair to each other and to ourselves. We are not perfect, but the perfection comes during the journey, not at the end.
About the Author
My name is Melissa! I am a mom of 6 kids, and I am a wife to my hard-working stud muffin! Life is a little crazy, as you can imagine, but that is what makes it fun!
I love good, wholesome entertainment that I can share with my family. I have an inner nerd that loves to budget and help others do it too. I love to help people get out of debt, which we are currently on our own journey of doing.
I love to dance like no one’s watching and sing like I am in the shower. You can never have enough music in the home. I am striving each day to be a better mom and wife and dig our family out of the hole we got ourselves into. I also hope to bring my kids up to love the Lord and to serve others.