How to Coupon: What is a Catalina and How is it Used?
Be sure to check out all 10 steps to learn How To Coupon

When I first started couponing, catalina was a foreign word and I didn’t understand how they worked or how I would use them. It takes a bit of practice to understand them and use them correctly. Be sure you read this carefully and remember practice makes perfect.
How to Extreme Coupon Shop: What is a Catalina and How is it Used?
A catalina is a coupon that prints out of the register. The official name of these coupons is Catalina Category Marketing (CCM). This is sometimes called something different at certain stores, ie: Walgreens calls it Register Rewards. The coupons print off when you buy something that prompts the coupon. It is either a manufacturer’s coupon or a store coupon so pay attention to the wording on the coupon. It can range from so much off a single product (like the manufacturer’s coupons you get online or in the paper) or it can be a certain amount off your next purchase.
If you do get one that is a $x off product A then you can only use that as you would any other manufacturer’s coupons. You can not stack it with another manufacturer’s coupon. If it is $x off your next order you can use it same as cash for your next order. You may combine other coupons with this type of coupon so be sure you use it to the max!
These coupons can be used in 2 ways. Those that say manufacturer’s coupons and have no mention of “only redeemable at…” on the coupon can be used anywhere that coupons are accepted. You may have to double check with the manager to be sure, but they should accept them. Those coupons that say manufacturer’s coupon and have something on them that says “only redeemable at…” on the coupon are only used at the store listed on them unless your store accepts competitor coupons. Those that say store coupon are only used at the store listed on them unless your store accepts competitor coupons.
Sometimes you will see the term “Rolling a catalina”. This means that you are doing the deal multiple times and using the first catalina to pay for or get an amount off of the next one. Then another catalina will print off the so you can use it again. This reduces the amount OOP toal you spend after all transactions.
Walgreens will never allow you to roll their Register Rewards so don’t try to setup transactions there to roll your rewards.
If you ever have a problem in a store with a coupon not printing when you know it should or a question on whether your store is participating in a certain catalina offer. Then it is best to ask the cashier to be sure the machine is working. If this doesn’t solve the problem, double check you got the right items and then call CCM and ask them about the coupon not printing. The Toll Free numbers are 1-888-324-3814 or 1-888-8COUPON (1-888-826-8766).
If you want to see the most up to date listing of catalinas available and printable coupons check out the Coupon Network Site.
For the next post in the series see What Does it Mean to Stack Coupons and How To Do It
Hice mi compra y no me dio mis catalinas la máquina estaba apagada son 10 dólares de necia, 4.00 de los whodlen shampoo, y 5.00de las bountys en la compra de 4 aparte 5 mas por 20 en productos de pg
contact the store about that.
Nesecito catalina y cupones